Why the Devil blog ?

why the Devil blog ? ... The name started from a fun word-play that came out after researching 666 as a benefical number in our ancient culture, an interesting twist for what is mostly known as evil. Indeed, as romanian language is rich in polysemantic words so does "Devil" has multiple meanings. At the same time it may mean evil, wicked (in a good way), clever, fast-minded, seductive or attractive even or a heavy machine used for taking tree trunks out of the earth while deforestation. I loved the idea of deforestation in the abstract meaning of cleaning or cleansing, purifying as a reset. And because the whole idea of Atelierul din Hamac (which translates to the Workshop from the Hammock) had its roots in my philosophical and political tendencies of mixing relaxing with thinking or having a think-tank at the end of the working week ... I thought the deforestation / purifying of ideas will fit perfectly for what I think it is a key in evolution, debate and question everyth...